
Dracontomelon dao

Family: Anacardiaceae

Common Name: Dao, Pacific Walnug

Origin: indigenous to the Philippines, also found in India, China, the Malayan peninsula, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, neighboring Pacific Islands. Mostly found in riverine and limestone forest/

Reference: Philippine Native Trees 101 Up Close and Personal

  • this tree grows to 30-35  meters
  • it  has  buttress roots
  • it is fast-growing
  • I’ve been told that it should be planted near a water source because it needs a lot of water to grow well
  • it is listed as a Vulnerable Species
  • flowers are small and white
  • fruit are edible
Dao sapling
Dao sapling
Dao sapling
Dao sapling
Not on the farm! Beautiful big tree that we saw in Cagayan de Oro.
Not on the farm! Beautiful big tree that we saw in Cagayan de Oro.


trees and shrubs

4 thoughts on “Dao”

  1. My friend really needs to buy Dracontomelon dao for his thesis.Do you know any agricultural shop who sells this kind of seed or seedling?

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