
Ficus nota

Family: Moraceae

Common Name: Tibig

Origin: indigenous to the Philippines

Reference: Philippine Native Trees 101 Up Close and Personal

  • the name comes from the word tubig, which means water
  • grows to 8 meters
  • the fruit grow in clusters from small branches near the trunk
  • this is a known pioneer species for reforestation and riparian management
  • it is usually found on creek banks
  • From the Philippine Native Trees book: “it is said that drinkable water can be obtained from a cut stem”
  • And also: “Old folks of Bulacan say that if you want to build a well, look for a Tibig tree and surely you will find water just close to the surface.”
Tibig saplig planted along the creek bank
Tibig sapling planted along the creek bank
the hairy leaves
the hairy leaves
serrated edge of the leaf
serrated edge of the leaf
Tibig sapling
Tibig sapling
The Tibig tree in June 2017


ripe fruits


Tibig leaf with ripe fruits

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